Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday Morning Run by ashby3 at Garmin Connect - Details

Good run - not as good as I had hopped for but better than yesterday - I just am not recovering as well as I had hopped from the Half last Sat. - I do not understand how some of my friends are able to run and run well right after a Half or Full - I am worried about being able to do the Galloway run well this Sat. - I have some 40 more hours to recover and I have been going to bed on time or early, eating correctly and only doing my runs so there is nothing else I can do or not do - will just have to wait and see now - my weight is up again so is my blood sugar, not to high but higher than I want and should be based on what I am eating -

Time: 00:25:53
Distance: 1.55 mi
Elevation Gain: 61 ft
Calories: 268 C
Avg Temperature: 67.8 °F

291.7 lbs
Body Fat
34.0 %
Body Water
46.1 %
Bone Mass
9.4 lbs
Muscle Mass
183.2 lbs
Physique Rating
Visceral Fat
Metabolic Age
80 years
Daily Caloric Intake
4,747 C

Thursday Morning Run

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