Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday Lunch Run

Nice run not great - still recovering from being very sick Sunday evening and Monday - felt like I was real slow and I was pretty slow - was good to run even if I had trouble getting myself to get out there - it did tire me out pretty well - I just worry if I stop running regularly for very long that I might just quit - I am pretty lazy - this is also the first workout of any kind since Sunday - no problems no pain - blood sugar 104 pressure 160/88 52 - weight is up :(

Time: 00:25:21
Distance: 1.56 mi
Elevation Gain: 66 ft
Calories: 328 C
Avg Temperature: 51.6 °F

276.3 lbs
Body Fat
15.6 %
Body Water
55.4 %
Bone Mass
11.2 lbs
Muscle Mass
221.9 lbs
Physique Rating
Visceral Fat
Metabolic Age
12 years
Daily Caloric Intake
6,722 C

Wednesday Lunch Run

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