Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Morning Run

Good run but not great - did not feel great and felt slow even though I was trying to push the pace - the weather was nice not hot or humid but not too cool either - feet and everything else felt good - stiffness and soreness in the legs is about gone - I did nothing Sunday - I just did not feel like riding so I just had Breakfast with Dad and did nothing else but laundry - well I enjoyed breakfast and at least did get the laundry done - I am not sure that I got in a dark place and therefore did not run or ride or did I not run or ride and therefore got into a dark place - it is hard to say but even though I know that exercise does help with my tendency to depression I would like be able to take a day off and not get depressed - I am also really annoyed about my weight - I now eat about 99% differently than I ever have in my life - I am counting calories and eating on a schedule and doing about 500% more exercise than I have ever done and I an still not losing weight - well actually it did go down a little today but is still above what I was down to - this is just wrong - why why why is it so hard for me to lose weight?

Time: 00:19:29
Distance: 1.05 mi
Elevation Gain: 42 ft
Calories: 190 C
Avg Temperature: 63.5 °F

Monday Morning Run

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