Saturday, July 31, 2010

Galloway Training Run 10 - 10.9 miles

Good run - great weather felt good out there today - met George and Marlyn at 5AM and we ran 3 miles before the group run started - it was cool out there - nice. I hopped I would not like this so I could sleep in a little but I did like it so I will do it again if George agrees to meet early. The Nimbus 12s felt good almost no bottom of the food soreness which is great - heel/Achilles on the right foot still hurts and is hurting a lot right now. It is really affecting my running - slowing be down while running - I have got to find a way to get this to heal! The cooler weather did really help me - it was cool enough that sometimes while running we had enough cool air moving past us to feel cool - nice.

Time: 03:39:37
Distance: 10.88 mi
Elevation Gain: 439 ft
Calories: 3,004 C
Avg Temperature: 81.7 °F

Galloway Training Run 10 - 10.9 miles at Garmin Connect - Details

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